Garage Sale 665 E. A Street, a bit on everything, Today, Saturday and Sunday, a bit of everything, on the porch.
Two lost Dogs, 1 Chiweenie Reddish Brown, “Sugar” 10 years old, and 1 Weenie Dog, 20 years old, “Bella” Brown 271 N. Main. 258-8434
258-0080 has Weaned Gentile Simmental 3 year old Bulls and 3 Heifers, All Registered 800-$900 each
239-2810, Shorty has square bales in the Barn, great for feed, . He also removes trees
559-1993 Starting a New Handy Man Business, can do everything, they can do Electrical, Welding….any job, bids made on site
903-772-8894 Hauls scrap, including old vehicles and Tears down Houses