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Track and Field: Host of area athletes punch tickets to state :
Track and Field: Host of area athletes punch tickets to state
New Richmond’s Ethan Turbeville won sectional titles in the boys’ Division 1 100 and 200 meter dash races, River Falls’ girls earned two D1 sectional titles , and Somerset’s Caymen
Related Keywords
Etta Carlson
Jasmine Altena
Izzy Jensen
Kate Anderson
Bella Hawkins
Ella Carstensen
Somerset Gebheim
Broden Thiel
Joe Hoeppner
Richmond Ethan Turbeville
Brooklyn Silloway
Ross Yaeger
Miles Burke
Charlie Loesch
Nadia Unruh
Tragon Timm
Somerset Caymen Gebheim
Katelynn Doehrmann
Kayleigh Volkman
Abi Banitt
Maddie Leach
Ceanna Dietz
Laura Mahowald
Aidan Zinck
Vivian Roberts
Quin Andrews
Robert Anderson
Thomas Caseywith
Rebecca Randleman
Conrad Webb
Lilly Johnson
Trey Hartung
Jacob Gilbertson
Somerset Ruby Goldstein
Lilly Jensen
Libby Huber
Lanie Jilek
Morris Toppel
Dc Everest High School
New Richmond
Ethan Turbeville
River Fall
Caymen Gebheim
Field Championships
High School
River Falls
River Fall Kayleigh Volkman
Fall Quin Andrews
Ruby Goldstein
Croix Central
Veterans Memorial Stadium Complex
New Richmond Tigers
River Falls Journal
Hudson Star Observer
Somerset Spartans
St Croix Central Panthers
Iaa State
Track And Field
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