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Town Talk | Developer seeking early approvals to build large apartment complex along East 15th Street; Panasonic announces leaders for De Soto plant | News, Sports, Jobs - Lawrence Journal-World: news, information, headlines and events in Lawrence, Kansas :
Town Talk | Developer seeking early approvals to build large apartment complex along East 15th Street; Panasonic announces leaders for De Soto plant | News, Sports, Jobs - Lawrence Journal-World: news, information, headlines and events in Lawrence, Kansas
Lawrence City Hall has received a development filing that would open the door for 500 units of new apartments — totaling more than 1,000 bedrooms — to be bu
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Town Talk
Developer Seeking Early Approvals To Build Large Apartment Complex Along East 15th Street Panasonic Announces Leaders For De Soto Planttown Talk Column
Developer Seeking Early Approvals To Build Large Apartment Complex Along East 15th Street Panasonic Announces Leaders For De Soto Plant
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