The Persimmon site next to StayCity aparthotel which has been taken off the market. Inset: Cllr Andy D’Agorne
Deputy council leader Andy D'Agorne has called on developers to stop sitting on empty housing sites in York and start developing them.
Cllr D'Agorne spoke out after Persimmon Homes admitted recently that its 2.2 acre site next to the StayCity aparthotel and York Barbican had been taken off the market while 'various options and enquiries' were reviewed.
The land, just outside the bar walls, has been disused since the former Barbican pool and its car park closed in 2004.
A letter from Cllr D'Agorne published in The Press on May 3 said it would be 'a refreshing change after all this time if the owners would talk to local residents and their elected representatives before bringing forward urgent plans to see this prominent central site brought back into use, for the benefit of the city and those desperate for a home in York'.