With no tax increase, fund balance used to break even ♦
Tooele County’s proposed 2021 budget will consume some fund balance, but require no property tax increase, according to Tooele County Auditor Alison McCoy.
McCoy presented the proposed budget at the Dec.1 County Commission meeting in the Commission Chambers at the Tooele County meeting.
The general fund budget will increase by 7.1%, from $46.5 million to $49.8 million. The increase reflects an approximate $1.2 million increase in property tax due to growth in the tax base, not an increase in the tax rate.
Other major sources of revenue for 2021 are projected to be comparable to the 2020 budget. The county’s general sales tax is budgeted to drop by $140,000 to $2.56 million. The federal payment in lieu of taxes is budgeted at $3.3 million, the same as 2020.