“My question to you is: How do you plan to combat white supremacy when creators on this app can’t inform people about it?” he asked, looking into his phone’s camera. “Because there’s a white supremacy problem on TikTok! How do you plan on solving it?”
The next day, he sat down and did the same. The day after that, he started counting: “This is day 3 of asking TikTok CEO Vanessa Pappas to explain the content moderation guidelines,” the video says. “Even if they don’t want to release the algorithm that does that, just explain to me why sexist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, white nationalist, and neo-Nazi content is being kept up on this platform, but the moment I and plenty of other creators make a video trying to teach people about that so that they can be safe, it gets taken down.” Over a hundred days and 139,000 TikTok followers later, Zev is nowhere closer to getting an answer.