The Unexpected Story Behind 245-year-old Painting
Historical Paradoxes in three parts.
Special publication in commemoration of Yom Ha-Shoah
Part I can be read here.
Part II can be read here.
Part III. The Legacy of Loot: Crimes Without Punishment
With special thanks to inspired and inspiring colleagues: director of Amos Res Museum, Dr Kai Kartio, director of the Sinebrychoff Art Museum-Finnish National Gallery Dr Kirsi Eskelinen, chief curator of the Sinebrychoff Art Museum-Finnish National Gallery Dr Ira Westergard, researcher at the University of Helsinki Kersti Tainio.
1942 – 1947, Paris-Berlin: the mystery of Domenico Tiepolo masterpiece’s key-time location is still unsolved
In a serious break-through of their research, the art historians from the Sinebrychoff Art Museum – Finnish National Gallery were able to examine the work by the newest infra-red equipment recently. They saw there the detail of crucial importance – number 1942 very well seen under the infra-red examination but completely unseen by a regular eye. That fact has provided the experts with the ground for establishing the fact that Mario d’Atri has sold Tiepolo’s The Greeks Sacking Troy