Three Lobos honored by Udall Foundation
One chosen as Udall Scholar, two as honorable mentions
By Rachel Whitt
May 07, 2021
Dana Lee
University of New Mexico student Dana Lee was just announced as a 2021 Udall Scholar – a distinct honor she shares with only a few others around the country. Chenoa Scippio and Dora Bean, also UNM students, were selected as honorable mentions for the award.
Fifty-five students from 42 colleges and universities were selected as 2021 Udall Scholars, chosen based on their commitment to careers in the environment, Tribal public policy, or Native health care; leadership potential; record of public service; and academic achievement. The Udall Foundation scholarship honors the legacies of Morris and Stewart Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on Native American self-governance, health care and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources.