Roughly 180 teachers received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine at the site, thanks to Cross Lake Chief David Monias and council, said Cathy Pellizzaro, president of the Thompson Teachers’ Association.
“Their generosity has touched our hearts more than they could imagine. Thompson teachers are so happy,” said Pellizzaro, who teared up when describing their excitement during a phone call Sunday.
The local union president, who represents 270 educators, said the parking lot of the site was full soon after word got out on Thursday that vaccines were being offered. The clinic was open to teachers Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
While she was unable to get her vaccine through the clinic — in part, because she was busy informing her members of the development, Pellizzaro said she is ecstatic to be nearing the age of eligibility for the general population: Manitobans aged 56 and older and First Nations people who are 36 and older can book an appointment at present.