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Technically, you’re supposed to obtain a permit if you plan to do any gardening in the public right of way, but just try telling that to a flower. Right outside my apartment building, there’s a dirty patch in the sidewalk with a lone bedraggled tree in the middle, and nothing has ever grown there until a few weeks ago when I noticed a few optimistic tiny leaves poking through for the first time.
I love an underdog, and especially life finding a way after the muchness of the last year, so I figured I’d lend some support. For the last few dry days, I’ve been bringing out a cup of water to drench the soil, and yesterday I shook some plant-nutrient pellets into the soil. There was a large piece of broken concrete tossed to the side of the curb, and I moved that to shelter the new growth from anyone who might carelessly tread. So far, it’s been about a week, and this renegade unpermitted plant seems to have established itself well enough that it can be considered a permanent resident.