Legends warns us about the dangers of fast food on:
This Week in the Arrowverse! (May 9th-11th)
[Spoilers Ahead]
Batwoman S02E13 I’ll Give You a Clue”
Out-of-Context Quote of the Week is from Luke Fox: “Just because I didn’t go to MIT, doesn’t mean I didn’t get in.”
Despite having a lot of friction between them, Crows Security Officer Sophie Moore and newly minted Batwoman Ryan are forced to work together to stop the cruel Cluemaster. During their journey, they ally with his daughter, the extremely intelligent Stephanie Brown. Her presence is a huge potential gamechanger: In the comics, she’s taken on the superhero mantles of Spoiler, Robin, and Batgirl. Between her historic significance and cute interactions with Luke Fox, I’m looking forward to seeing more of her.