This Was Brainerd - Feb. 21
A look through the Brainerd Dispatch archives with Terry McCollough combing the microfilm for tidbits of history through the decades going back to 1921.
Written By: Terry McCollough
20 years ago (2001)
Owners of the 61 modest houses along Forest Drive and Fox Drive are wondering if the improvements the city wants to make will drive them out of their homes. Failing septic systems mean sewer and road improvements, with assessments of $6,600 and $3,200 respectively. Add to that the cost of sewer hookup.
30 years ago (1991)
Police Chief Ralph Hitchens will retire as soon as possible as part of an effort to restore harmony in the police department. On a 6-1 vote, the city council accepted Hitchens' offer to retire for payment of salary through Oct. 15, payments to his retirement account and pay for accumulated sick leave. The total is $46,584.