June 3rd, 2021, 12:00PM
/ BY
Malgorzata Mical
Lisa Marie Thalhammer holds her original LOVE poster with her mural in the background. (Photo by Grant Langford)
Early in her life, Lisa Marie Thalhammer learned about gender stereotypes and the expectations Western society place upon women. In high school she waitressed at her family’s truck shop near St. Louis, Missouri, where she was often harassed by the men passing through. These ordeals led to one of her first art series in college:
Welcome to Lizard County.
The series focused on “lot lizards,” a stand-in term for prostitutes who cater to male drivers at truck stops. These collages, some of which hang in her studio on O Street in Northwest Washington, D.C., feature figures of women pieced together from men’s magazines seated on top of drawn semi trucks. The art portrays how women are viewed as sexual objects and not as human beings.