John McDonald
February 20, 2021
2020-21 is now officially the coldest winter in 26 years. The polar vortex, formerly known as the Yankee Clipper, has blasted the entire Northern Hemisphere and this brief episode has lowered average annual temperatures by roughly 7 degrees. The weather folks’ narrative has dramatically changed. They now claim we’re influenced by La Nina and will enjoy a very cool summer., generally considered progressive, has a Jan. 17 article that stated: “These cold events must be analyzed with due consideration to the multiple climatic factors that may be influencing them. The sun’s activity, earth’s rotation, changes in the magnetic poles, Arctic cold blasts, and many other factors all help determine regional and global weather patterns.” What? No mention of fossil fuels and cow flatulence. Spain, China, Siberia and India have recorded the lowest temperatures since the 1960s. Perhaps the scientists and quants need to work on their modeling.