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Getty Images (1). Art: Jillian Sellers.
In the year since the pandemic hit, the devastating effect it has had on America's families is no secret. Another new report is looking at just how much families are struggling.
Save the Children, an international humanitarian organization founded more than 100 years ago, released a report in March 2021 looking at four months of data from the U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse survey to see how the pandemic is affecting families with kids under 18 across the United States. The report found disparities based on socioeconomic status, race, and location.
It looked at all 50 states to see where children are faring best and worst by focusing on three main components: hunger, lack of tools for remote learning, and trouble paying for household expenses. The "best states for children" include Minnesota, Utah, Washington, and New Hampshire. The "worst states for children" are Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and New Mexico. This info isn't based on which states had the highest or lowest COVID infection rates, but which have provided more resources and protections for families.