These are the 10 worst winter storms to hit Massachusetts, from the devastating 1991 ‘Perfect Storm’ to the soul-crushing Great Blizzard of 1888
Updated Feb 10, 2021;
Posted Feb 10, 2021
This view looks south on Main Street, Springfield shortly after the fabled Blizzard of 1888 paralyzed the region. (The Republican file photo)
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Cities and towns throughout Massachusetts were left unrecognizable in March 1888, buried underneath a blanket of white, blasted by wind-whipped snowdrifts of roughly 20 feet and battered severely by what has gone down in the books as one of the largest winter storms to hit the Northeast.
In the wake of the Great Blizzard of 1888, the title the storm rightfully earned, hundreds were left dead across the region. In Massachusetts, residents in the Berkshires had to dig out of as much as 40 inches of snow while dealing with bone-chilling temperatures.