The Weekly Round Up of Some Industry Items You May Have Missed
Snippets from the News Around the Globe
UK – This week's round up starts in London as, whilst the organisers of many freight and logistics related events are bemoaning the fact that, for them at least, 2021 will be a write off, those who put on London International Shipping Week (LISW) are more hopeful their plans will not be subject to change, particularly as vaccines roll out. The organisers of LISW21 are still seeking sponsors, with details HERE.
UK – Casella, a manufacturer of smart monitoring technology, has developed a solution to simplify social distancing in the workplace with the launch of the Orbi-Trace smart tag, a flexible social distancing option that provides simple proximity alerts all the way up to full effective contact tracing. The body-worn Orbi-Trace smart tag is simple to operate, with a stop/start input and single LED power alert. It gives the wearer fully configurable vibration and audible alerts whenever a 2 metre safe distance is breached, and can operate indoors and out, with a battery life of up to seven days.