AP Photo/Patrick Semansky
Yesterday, my colleague Nick Arama noted the steely-eyed skepticism of the Washington Post newsroom in their coverage of the grotesque, nearly-$2-trillion boondoggle that is supposed to provide urgent relief to America in response to a manufactured crisis.READ: WaPo Puts Out Full-On Biden Propaganda Tweet That Just Might Blow Your Mind.
Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty in defining move of presidency https://t.co/MrzjVkZBEd
The fact is that there is nothing in this bill that will affect poverty today, one way or the other…unless you call balancing the books for bankrupt Blue State public pension plans as an anti-poverty program. The proportion of the money going to people under the poverty line is minuscule. To the extent that it has any impact, it will be a brief caffeine rush, like drinking a Red Bull after being up for three straight days. It will affect poverty some years down the road when the US economy is brought to a grinding halt by the weight of debt these goobers have inflicted upon future generations.