Welcome all to another edition of The 8 Ball! With the year closing soon I thought I’d get my Games of the Year list done now. The following is a list of games I either beat, or at least played in 2020. Some games I just didn’t get to in time, like Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and other games I played but didn’t enjoy much, Last of Us 2 springs to mind. As always, this is just my list. Enjoy:
#8: Cyberpunk 2077
Here’s the thing, Cyberpunk is janky. I’m playing it on a PS5 and the game generally crashes every 45 minutes to an hour. I could probably set a clock to it. I’ve had issues where enemies glitch out, cars float in mid-air, I’ve fallen through buildings once or twice (intentionally and not), among other stuff. With all that said, I still really like playing it. The city is intricately built, the combat is great, and you can have a lot of options in how you want to approach most situations. It’s really not perfect, and the bugs make it worse (aside from the infinite money, and one-hit kill bugs), but I’m still having a total blast playing the game. This is doubly so, when I’m watching Johnny Mnenomic.