Prof. of Philosophy
Panel Info:
A legacy of slavery, the subminimum wage for tipped workers forces a mostly female workforce of waitresses, largely in very casual restaurants, to struggle with the highest rates of poverty and sexual harassment of any workforce, because they must tolerate inappropriate customer behavior to feed their families in tips. Join us for a panel discussion with preeminent experts researching gender-based discrimination and violence.
Panelist Bios:
Saru Jayaraman: As the President of One Fair Wage and Director of the Food Labor Research Center at Univ. of California, Berkeley, Saru Jayaraman has spent the last 20 years organizing and advocating for raising wages and working conditions for restaurant and other service workers. Saru is a graduate of Yale Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. She was listed in CNN’s “Top10 Visionary Women” and recognized as a Champion of Change by the White House in 2014, and a James Beard Foundation Leadership Award in 2015. Saru authored