The State of VOD Monetization
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Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: Since it is very much an alphabet soup when it comes to monetization, I'm just going to share a real quick slide here so that we can sort of set the terms, even though some of the terms might be debatable, as to who falls into what category. But as we go down the list--SVOD, subscription-based video on demand; AVOD, ad-based; FAST, free ad-supported TV, typically live linear TV; transactional video on demand, whether that's rental or purchase, a relatively new term. And there may have been a new term since last night that I haven't picked up on. PVOD, premium video on demand for first run, theatrical releases like Trolls world tour and Milan. And then there, of course, are hybrid and tribrid models. So with that setting the stage, uh, I want to first ask Sara, as the media reporter for Axios, what are some of the trends that you're seeing in the market right now, in terms of the models that are finding success, the models that aren't? And give us your overview of how things may have changed in the last six months or a year.