The Sprout: House passes Port of Montreal back-to-work legislation
By Kelsey Johnson. Published on Apr 29, 2021 10:43am
Construction workers pass West Block on Parliament Hill on Jan. 15, 2021. (Jolson Lim/iPolitics)
Here’s today’s agriculture news.
The Lead
The House of Commons passed back-to-work legislation targeted at ending a strike at the Port of Montreal early this morning — sending the bill to the Senate for consideration. Dock workers at the port have been on strike since Monday and have been without a contract since 2019.
As Real Agriculture reports, the Senate is set to review the back-to-work legislation on Friday. Federal Labour Minister Filomena Tassi has estimated the strike could cost the Canadian economy between $40 and $100 million per week. The Port of Montreal ships a significant amount of containerized agricultural goods.