The role of CCS in reducing emissions remains unclear [GasTransitions]
Mar 1, 2021 7:35:am
Successful carbon capture and storage projects continue to be far and few between. Although many scientists continue to believe in CCS and there are some promising projects starting up in heavy industry, CCS prospects in the power sector look dim. The CCS debate continues – the outcome remains uncertain. [Gas Transitions Volume 2, Issue 2]
by: Karel Beckman
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The role of CCS in reducing emissions remains unclear [GasTransitions]
A group of engineers and geologists issued a statement in January saying that carbon capture and storage is “vital to meeting climate goals.” Their initiative came in response to a report from Friends of the Earth Scotland, prepared by Samira Garcia Freites and Christopher Jones of the Tyndall Manchester Climate Change Research unit, which came out on 8 January. The Tyndall report calls on the UK government not to invest in CCS, which it says is “a distraction from the rapid growth of renewable energy and energy efficiency required”.