The Right Stuff: Are Americans systemic racists?
Systemic racism: Prejudice or discrimination based on race and affecting the entire society.
What is the history of racism in America? Slavery meets the definition of racism. The first example recorded is Aug. 9, 1526, when a Spanish ship delivered 600 colonists and a small number of enslaved Africans in Georgia. One hundred years later expansion of slavery commenced in Virginia and adjacent colonies, primarily supporting tobacco and cotton production.
Native Americans were seldom subjugated as slaves but eventually were subject to racism. They and colonists at Jamestown and Plymouth experienced periods of respect and trading to periods of conflict. President George Washington promoted the concept of assimilation with some success. Five southeastern tribes, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek and Cherokee, embraced Christianity, English speech and land ownership. Sadly, distrust and conflict predominated in the longer term.