Grievances with Greenfield trucking company, contractor aired during meeting on fence permit
J.S. Rae is a tenant at 347 Wells St., where the company keeps construction equipment and raw materials. Eugene Darmanchev, who owns the property with his brother Dimitri, also operates a trucking firm there. Staff Photo/Paul Franz
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GREENFIELD — The 8-foot fence that was illegally installed by contractor J.S. Rae a couple of months ago can stay, with conditions, now that the Zoning Board of Appeals has granted the necessary special permit.
In a virtual meeting Thursday, the board gave its OK to the chain-link fence with the green screening, which is 4 feet higher than is allowed. The fence surrounds 347 Wells St., where J.S. Rae is a tenant and keeps construction equipment and raw materials. Eugene Darmanchev, who owns the property with his brother Dimitri, also operates a trucking firm there.