JR Moores
, April 19th, 2021 08:26
The algorithmic writer-replicant branded "JR Moores" by his egghead manufacturers analyses the latest psych and noise-rock releases. Home page artwork: The Boys Cosmic by Deep Hum
As somebody who valued authenticity to the point of disaster, Kurt Cobain would have been delighted to learn that artificial intelligence has come up with a new Nirvana song. He was, after all, the author of such grunge-era hits as 'Come As You R2-D2' and 'Pennyroyal T2: Judgment Day'.
The song in question, 'Drowned In The Sun', was created using Google's Magenta program which learns how to compose in the style of any given artist by analysing their works. Magenta has also been used to create exciting new compositions that sound exactly like they were recorded by Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, GWAR, Shed Seven, Hoobastank, and Merzbow. Admittedly that final one was simply a recording of a BT modem from the early 2000s trying to connect to dial-up internet while someone else in the same household was already using the landline telephone. (That last reference will be as alien to younger readers as penny-farthings, Tamagotchi pets and wholesomely softcore pornography.)