The last year or so hasn’t been particularly kind to the automotive industry — for obvious reasons. In order to emerge from this challenging period, it will have to adapt and perhaps take some drastic measures. Since my livelihood is tied to the continued success of this particular form of business, I’ve decided to offer up a brilliant idea that’s sure to increase profits.
Make the “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen” guy the frontman in all of your commercials.
What is “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen?“
If you’re not familiar with the raw majesty that is “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen,” do something nice for yourself and watch the video at the top of this page. Officially entitled “PPAP,” the song and video were the brainchild of Japanese entertainer Kosaka Daimaou and released under the name of his fictional character Piko-Taro. Since its debut, it has garnered more than 377 million views on YouTube, only 77 million of which came from me.