The parenting crisis without a vaccine: loneliness
“Everybody’s a taker now; nobody’s a giver because everybody’s so wiped out.”
By Kara Baskin Globe Correspondent,Updated February 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m.
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Feeling lonely these days? Well, you aren't alone.Adobe Stock/jayzynism -
The three text dots that start and stop. The gradual radio silence from your college best friend. The group text chain that started out strong last March, then fizzled to a meme and eventually died. The work friends who seem more like hallucinations at this point. The realization that the only people you see on a regular basis are your kids — and the gnawing wonder over whether anyone remembers you beyond those whom you clothe and feed. Or the opposite: the nagging guilt over an unreturned text, an unanswered invite.

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