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The Nominations Are In for This Years Bettys :
The Nominations Are In for This Year's Bettys
The nominees in all 18 categories of the Betty Mitchell Awards for excellence in professional theatre have been announced.
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New York
United States
Michaela Jeffrey
Fionn Laird
Billy Holliday
Darcy Gerhart
Johnathan Christenson
Elinor Holt
Hiro Kanagawa
Katie Mcmillan
Bruce Horak
Eric Rose
Michele Shuster
Alixandra Cowman
Haysam Kadri
Garrett Smith
Anna Cummer
Elena Belyea
Stafford Arima
Keshia Cheesman
Joe Slabe
Daniela Vlaskalic
Jessica Jones
Bianca Miranda
Julia Juhas
Jimmy Buffett
Anna Dalgleish
Joel Schaefer
Shakura Dickson
Chris Tsujiuchi
Stephen King
David Rhymer Nightingale
Christopher Duthie
Kathryn Smith
Kevin Mcnulty
Luisa Jojic
Miranda Martini
Tara Beagan
Andy Moro
Braden Griffiths
Dylan Thomas Bouchier
Stafford Perry
Kate Blackburn
Emily Howard
Oscar Wilde
Trudie Lee
Jamie Dunsdon
Valerie Planche
Truth Alexander
Bronwyn Steinberg
Michael Rolfe
Bernarda Alba
Verdi Macbeth
Jonathan Larson
Cayley Wreggitt
Ministry Of Grace
Calgary Herald
Tim Nguyen Co
Postmedia Network Inc
Theatre Calgary
Betty Awards
Vertigo Theatre
Tim Nguyen
Betty Mitchell Awards
New York Times
Making Treaty
Alberta Theatre Projects
Stage West
Postmedia Network
Street East
Being Earnest
Kevin Loring
Little Red Warrior
His Lawyer
Lunchbox Theatre
One Yellow Rabbit
David Rhymer
Nightingale Alley
Forte Musical Theatre
Calgary Opera
Kathleen Faith Ballangan
Chromatic Theatre
Catalyst Theatre
Sage Theatre
Mike Tan
Griffin Cork
Lady Day
Countries Shaped Like Stars
We Re Gonna
Bernard Starlight
Orient Express
Countries Shaped Like
Jubilee Auditorium
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