The National Meningitis Association Partners with Molly Ringwald to Urge Parents to Help Protect Their Teens Against Meningococcal Meningitis
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Vaccination is the best defense against meningococcal disease,
1,2 yet approximately half of U.S. teens – an age group at increased risk – remain underprotected against this rare, but deadly disease
The 16 Vaccine initiative educates parents of teens about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommended second dose of MenACWY at age 16
The 16 Vaccine Public Service Announcement (30 seconds)
The 16 Vaccine: Take Your Shot Against Meningitis with Molly logo
Fact Sheet
At a crucial time when vaccination against potentially deadly diseases is top of mind, the National Meningitis Association (NMA) is teaming up with award-winning actress, author and mother of three Molly Ringwald to encourage parents to talk to their teen's doctor about the potentially life-saving second dose of the MenACWY vaccine for meningococcal disease.