Internet acronyms come and go so it was only a matter of time until one of the most popular shorthand phrases got replaced. Dave told us about the change. Bill followed that up with an acronym that is synonymous with The JOY FM.
Carmen just finished reading Aaron Burke's book, The Unfair Advantage, and was struck by a quote from one of Bill's favorite authors.
Bill shared that his oldest son, Will, turns 30 tomorrow. He had hoped to call him on his birthday, but Will will be busy. Bill shared how proud he was of his son and the direction he is going despite the obstacles he faces. Dave shared how his sons are on career paths that he did not imagine for them. Carmen has seen similar results with her daughters as well.
Inflation comes and goes over time. But wageflation? It's an issue for those just launching into adulting.
The dog ate my homework is a classic excuse for kids. But "the dog ate my passport" is a new one!
Carmen has been a fan of Kevin's Naturals brand for awhile now. But she is getting to the point of burnout with the chicken but not the sauces. Some listeners confirmed that the sauces are available at certain retailers.
Dave is not a big fan of vegetables and he shared his thoughts on a lettuce bouquet.
Bill claimed that Fun Fact Friday is so popular that he created a spin-off he calls Throw-Off Thursday, a game involving some fun facts.
And can you believe that pumpkin spice lattes have been on the menu at Starbucks for 20 years now?
00:32 IJBOL
02:33 MMMP
06:33 Lewis Quoe on Unfair Advantage
10:01 Thy Will Be Done
14:21 Will's 30th Birthday tomorrow
18:28 Kids Choosing Careers
21:28 Wageflation
27:14 "Dog Ate My Passport"
31:54 Burnout on Kevin's
37:26 Just the Sauces
39:03 Lettuce Bouquets - Dave's Take
41:21 Throw Off Thursday
48:33 PSL Season is on!
51:38 Bill's BIG Word