We have a lot to discuss after today's episode of
The Mandalorian, and we're breaking down everything that happened in this in-depth
spoiler recap. Find out more details on "Chapter 16" after the jump...
JoshWilding |
Whew. As season finales go, today's episode of
The Mandalorian - appropriately titled "The Rescue" - definitely didn't disappoint, and "Chapter 16" is one fans are likely going to spend a very long time discussing. It kicks off with Din Djarin and Boba Fett tracking down Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves after hijacking an Imperial shuttle with Doctor Pershing on board. As expected, he is indeed a cloner, while comments from one of the Imperials about the "millions" that died on both Death Stars (while describing the Rebels as "terrorists") definitely leaves us with something to think about. Back to Bo-Katan, though, and she immediately picks up on the fact Boba is a clone. A scuffle between the bounty hunter and Koska follows, but the duo eventually agree to help rescue Grogu in exchange for the Darksaber and possible help from Din to retake Mandalore down the line.Â