It has all come to this as
The Mandalorian’s second season finale sees Din Djarin and his many allies enact a daring rescue mission for Grogu from Moff Gideon’s Imperial ship. ‘The Rescue’ was an action-packed finale from
Ant-Man director Peyton Reed that still contained a number of heartfelt and emotional moments while teasing the future of
Star Wars media in some very intriguing ways.
WARNING: Spoilers will be discussed so check back later if you haven’t watched the episode already.
This season has differed from the first with the number of allies Din has made who have becoming something of his main group now. The various characters have made for some pretty interesting dynamics, especially in the beginning where tensions were pretty high between Boba Fett, Bo Katan and Koska Reeves. By the end though, they made a very effective unit and the episode continued exploring those dynamics throughout the rescue mission. Seeing Bo Katan, Koska, Fennec Shand and Cara Dune work together made for some great action beats. The wordless communication between them was great to watch as they anticipated each other’s moves and helped the other before they could even ask most of the time.