Mrs. Doubtfire or his success in
Dead Poets Society, or all the Oscars, Golden Globes, and other awards he has won. However, it was a role in a Disney picture based on a true story that would make him a break-out star.
Williams was a box office legend and noted as one of the best actors, especially when starring in comedy-drama films. When he passed away in 2014, the country was heartbroken. Imagine if this
Good Morning Vietnam sequel was actually released, we’d have one more wonderful film to remember him by!
Good Morning Vietnam
Good Morning Vietnam was released in 1987 after being turned down in its original form, a sitcom pitched by the real-life Adrian Cronauer. Cronauer was a radio DJ who wanted to share his experience working for a radio station during the Vietnam war. Most networks found this to be too soon after the controversial war for the general public to enjoy a television show about it. It wasn’t until Robin Williams heard of the story and decided to take a chance on it. They tried to make it a tv show, but it just didn’t work out. It wasn’t until writer Mitch Markowitz wrote up a screenplay that Hollywood would become interested.