April 6:
SAUGAT GURUNG, 26, of Highgrove Street, Reading, admitted stealing two bottles of whisky and yoghurt drinks from Aldi as well as to assaulting a man in Reading on November 20, 2020. He was told to carry out 40 hours of unpaid work, pay a victim surcharge of £95 and costs of £85.
MATTHEW RAMSEY, 48, of Brisbane Road, Reading, admitted to two counts of driving under the influence of cocaine on Stoneham Close in Reading on October 9, 2020. He was banned from driving for 12 months, fined £120, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £34 and made to pay costs of £85.
KATHLEEN MCCANDLISH, 30, of Briff Lane, Bucklebury, Reading, admitted to failing to stop at the scene of a road traffic accident on Boulton Park Road in Lincoln on February 6, 2020. She also admitted to failing to report this incident to police and to driving ‘without care and attention’ on the same day. She was banned from driving for four months, fined £400, made to pay a victim surcharge of £40 and ordered to pay costs of £85.