ALLENDALE: Mrs Elizabeth McQuillen, Listed Building Consent for internal alterations including ground floor vestibule, mechanical lift access to first floor, removal of existing first floor bathroom and addition of first floor en-suite, Hotspur House, Arnison Terrace, Ref. No. 21/02559/LBC
DARRAS HALL: Mr Chakrapani Kalluri, Single storey rear extension and new two storey covered entrance / porch, 185 Edge Hill, Ref. No. 21/02628/FUL
DARRAS HALL: Dr Bobby Karla, Prior Notification for the Demolition of an existing house, 132 Runnymede Road, Ref. No. 21/02383/DEMGDO
DARRAS HALL: Mr And Mrs Robert Lydon, Proposed tiled roof to existing porch; tiled roofs to existing front dormers; extension to rear dormer; first floor bedroom extension over existing garage; front entrance gate, 79 Whinfell Road, Ref. No. 21/02615/FUL