Applebaum, F., Kline, M. Thurow, Z., "Three Paths to Collapse: a methodological review and examination of sampled digital information stores and other materials recovered from the SecureMax Data Centre site," The Pacific-Northwest Consortium Review of Digital Archeology (Winter 2097), vol. 4, pp. 187 - 221.
At one time, it fell to archivists to curate transient knowledge. data others might discard, just librarians sought to unearth information put aside, and it was for the historian to recall what our culture had experienced but subsequently forgotten. But given current dispersion and bare subsistence, we struggle to imagine (let alone afford) the luxury of such discrete professionalism. Now, a marginal scholarly class must serve all three roles, excavating the past expanses in forms of transmission and information that were at the time bursts of light or sound, traces of electricity or magnetic encoding.