by Gavin Lewis / July 3rd, 2021
During the recent G7 summit the corporate media went into pro-US propaganda overdrive. The BBC’s Global News channel – or UK global propaganda outlet – has spent the years since the Iraq War spinning the US Military’s assault on the Black and Brown homelands of the world as ‘America spreading democracy’. Media Lens has responded to the brutal consequences, condemning BBC Paul Wood’s misrepresentation “The coalition came to Iraq in the first place to bring democracy and human rights” (22 December 2005). Previously, BBC defence Correspondent Jonathan Marcus also historically spun American Military aggression as “the promotion of democracy throughout the Muslim world” (5 December 2002). In the near two decades since Iraq, consecutive BBC Political Editors Andrew Marr and Nick Robinson have also regularly spouted this propaganda position. And this ongoing orthodoxy was parroted ad-infinitum during the summit by the rest of the corporate media. The other trope repeatedly invoked was that of a supposed transatlantic ‘special relationship’.