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The Flagstaff City Council voted to approve a grazing lease for Red Gap Ranch, and postponed a decision on a rezoning of land off Lake Mary Road at their Tuesday meeting. The city purchased the Red Gap Ranch in 2005 after a voter approved bond due to a 100-year supply of groundwater, though projects to extract the water have been slow moving. The city approved an application for the grazing lease by the privately owned Bar-T-Bar Ranch based in Winslow, who will pay roughly $50 thousand per year to graze cattle. In addition, the council postponed a decision on whether to adopt a change to the zoning map for an apartment complex just south of I-17 and Lake Mary Road with 20-percent affordable units. The construction company applying for the rezone requested a two-week continuance, and members of the public who planned to speak at this week’s meeting will be asked to speak when it comes up again on May 4th. Many residents of nearby homes have spoken in opposition to the complex.