Meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 will cost Asia $1.5 trillion annually As foreign support to the social sector shrinks, Asia turns to domestic funding, corporate funding, and government grants Lack of trust among sectors - government, private, and social - remains the foremost impediment to building a sustainable social support system Ambiguous and inconsistent regulations and policies enacted by Asian governments send mixed messages to donors about the role of philanthropy and the social sector HONG KONG, June 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Covid-19 has exacerbated income inequalities and social disparities across Asia, serving as a force multiplier for trends already in place. A new social impact study released today by the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) shows how to maximize philanthropic and policy responses to cope with these post-Covid challenges. Assessing performance across four sub-indexes - Regulations, Tax and Fiscal Policy, Ecosystem, and Procurement - CAPS' biennial flagship study, the Doing Good Index 2022, examines the social investment landscape in Asia. It exposes the underlying structural conditions preventing the region's social sectors from thriving, whilst highlighting enabling factors that can empower governments, companies, philanthropists, and social delivery organizations (SDOs) to tap resources and work together to meet Asia's challenges. Mr. Ronnie Chan, Chairman of CAPS, said, "Two-thirds of those newly forced into poverty live in South Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific, underscoring the need for philanthropic giving in these economies. The pandemic has forced an immediate and united response from individuals, companies, and governments, demonstrating how a collaborative 'Asia for Asia' philanthropic approach can guide the region's recovery and rehabilitation. That said, we need to urgently do more if we are to protect and support the most vulnerable members of our society." Asia on Track to Fail All Sustainable Development Goals if Immediate Action Isn't Taken In order to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, economies in Asia will need to invest US$1.5 trillion annually. However, Asia is currently not on track to meet any of the SDGs as a region. Private capital plays a critical role in closing this funding gap. An estimated US$701 billion per year can be unleashed if Asia - home to 26% of the global rich - were to match the United States in terms of philanthropic spend. This is about 14 times the net foreign aid flowing to Asia and roughly 28% of the expected costs to fulfil the SDGs by 2030. The Doing Good Index 2022 identifies four key trendsacross Asia: Trust deficit among sectors impacting the power of collaboration: The lack of trust among the government, private, and social sectors remains the foremost impediment to creating a supportive and enabling environment for the flow of private social investment. As a result, many Asian governments have put in place regulations that limit the social sector's freedom and flexibility to operate, thus impacting donors' motivations to engage with them. This results in a loss of both funding as well as talent to the sector, in turn reducing its capacity to deliver on its objectives. Ambiguous policies and government oversight driving away donors: Throughout Asia, governments have enacted ambiguous policies governing philanthropy, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and the social sector in general, which, at times, seem to work against each other. The incoherence around the fluctuating regulations often leads to mixed messages from the government. This dilutes the incentivizing potential of their fiscal policies to encourage systemic philanthropic giving, ultimately translating into a lack of support for the social sector. Funding to the social sector characterized by shortfalls: Almost half (47%) of social delivery organizations (SDOs) in Asia have reported a decline in funding, with 75% of those reporting a decrease of up to 50%. A number of factors have contributed to this shortfall including diminished foreign funding as a result of regional affluence, companies and donors redirecting their funding to other areas or opting to engage in humanitarian work themselves in the wake of the pandemic, and the zero-sum nature of Covid-19 support. At the same time, eight of the 17 governments in Asia have enacted policies that make it more difficult for foreign funds to enter the country. Few economies have been successful in leveraging domestic and government funding to close the funding gap. Synergies among the sectors imperative for a vibrant social sector ecosystem: Despite unrivalled challenges and structural impediments, Asia's social sector has demonstrated its capacity as a trusted partner for sustainable development, working with governments, companies, and philanthropists to build back better. However, as the Covid-19 crisis abates, it will be critical to harness the strengths of all parts of society - government, private and social sectors, and individuals - and maximize collaboration to drive long-lasting change in the direction of inclusive and sustainable development. Addressing the region's unmet social needs will require a coordinated "all-hands-on-deck" approach that includes not only funding but also talent, knowledge and a shared commitment towards the most vulnerable in our communities. Dr. Ruth Shapiro, Founder and Chief Executive of CAPS,commented, "The remarkable resilience of the social sector amidst the current crisis is a beacon of hope, but all the same, fundraising to the sector has never been more challenging. Foreign funding in Asia has been progressively declining in recent years, particularly in lower-middle-income economies that have relied heavily on foreign support for decades. It will be critical for economies in Asia to develop a clear and consistent set of policies to unlock domestic funding that will allow for inclusive and sustainable development." The Doing Good Index has established itself as the most comprehensive social impact index in Asia, evaluating systems in place to meet the most pressing issues in the social sector. The index draws on surveys as well as interviews with experts and strategic partners in Asia, including academia, foundations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and policy think tanks to provide a granular view into the state of the social sector in the region. CAPS has been invited to brief government officials on implementing effective policies across the region, illustrating the pioneering nature of its work. A total of2,239 SDOs were surveyed and 126 experts were interviewed as part of the study conducted across 17 Asian economies: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Download the Doing Good Index 2022 hereand visit the interactive microsite. About the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) CAPS was established in 2013 in Hong Kong as an action-oriented research and advisory organization committed to maximizing private resources going toward doing good in Asia. CAPS accomplishes its mission by understanding fundamental strengths and cultural practices in Asia as well as researching and promoting public policies that best enable the giving and receiving of private social investment. More information on CAPS research and services is available at: For more details or to arrange interviews, please contact: Golin Stephanie Mazinyi Phone: +852 2501 7901 Email: Cherry Ma Phone: +852 2501 7916 CAPS Annelotte Walsh Phone: +852 6925 0551 Email: SOURCE Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS)

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Malaysia ,Taiwan ,Japan ,Philippines ,United States ,Hong Kong ,China ,Vietnam ,Republic Of ,Indonesia ,Pakistan ,Sri Lanka ,Bangladesh ,India ,Thailand ,Cambodia ,Nepal ,Ruth Shapiro ,Stephanie Mazinyi ,Annelotte Walsh ,Ronnie Chan ,Prnewswire Covid ,United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Sdgs ,Centre For Asian Philanthropy ,Meeting The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ,United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ,Asian Philanthropy ,Fiscal Policy ,Doing Good Index ,South Asia ,East Asia ,Fail All Sustainable Development Goals ,Immediate Action Isn T ,Throughout Asia ,Chief Executive ,Meeting The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals By 2030 Will Cost Asia 1 5 Trillion Annually As Foreign Support To Social Sector Shrinks ,Sia Turns To Domestic Funding ,Corporate Funding ,Nd Government Grants Lack Of Trust Among Sectors ,Private ,Nd Social Remains The Foremost Impediment To Buildinga Sustainable Support System Ambiguous And Inconsistent Regulations Policies Enacted By Asian Governments Send Mixed Messages Donors About Role Of Philanthropy Sector Hong Kong ,June 8 ,022 Prnewswire Covid 19 Has Exacerbated Income Inequalities And Social Disparities Across Asia ,Erving Asa Force Multiplier For Trends Already In Placea New Social Impact Study Released Today By The Centre Asian Philanthropy And Society Caps Shows How To Maximize Philanthropic Policy Responses Cope With These Post Covid Challenges Assessing Performance Across Four Sub Indexes Regulations ,Ax And Fiscal Policy ,Ecosystem ,Nd Procurement Caps 39 Biennial Flagship Study ,He Doing Good Index 2022 ,Xamines The Social Investment Landscape In Asia It Exposes Underlying Structural Conditions Preventing Region 39s Sectors From Thriving ,Hilst Highlighting Enabling Factors That Can Empower Governments ,Companies ,Philanthropists ,Nd Social Delivery Organizations Sdos To Tap Resources And Work Together Meet Asia 39s Challenges Mr Ronnie Chan ,Hairman Of Caps ,Aid ,Uot Two Thirds Of Those Newly Forced Into Poverty Live In South Asia ,Nd The Pacific ,Nderscoring The Need For Philanthropic Giving In These Economies Pandemic Has Forced An Immediate And United Response From Individuals ,Nd Governments ,Emonstrating Howa Collaborative 39 Asia For Philanthropic Approach Can Guide The Region 39s Recovery And Rehabilitation That Said ,E Need To Urgently Do More If We Are Protect And Support The Most Vulnerable Members Of Our Society Quot Asia On Track Fail All Sustainable Development Goals Immediate Action Isn 39t Taken In Order Meet United Nations Sdgs By 2030 ,Conomies In Asia Will Need To Invest Us 1 5 Trillion Annually However ,Sia Is Currently Not On Track To Meet Any Of The Sdgs Asa Region Private Capital Playsa Critical Role In Closing This Funding Gap An Estimated Us 701 Billion Per Year Can Be Unleashed If Asia Home 26 Global Rich Were Match United States Terms Philanthropic Spend About 14 Times Net Foreign Aid Flowing And Roughly 28 Expected Costs Fulfil By 2030 Doing Good Index 2022 Identifies Four Key Trendsacross Trust Deficit Among Sectors Impacting Power Collaboration Lack Government ,Nd Social Sectors Remains The Foremost Impediment To Creatinga Supportive And Enabling Environment For Flow Of Private Investment Asa Result ,Any Asian Governments Have Put In Place Regulations That Limit The Social Sector 39s Freedom And Flexibility To Operate ,Hus Impacting Donors 39 Motivations To Engage With Them This Results Ina Loss Of Both Funding As Well Talent The Sector ,N Turn Reducing Its Capacity To Deliver On Objectives Ambiguous Policies And Government Oversight Driving Away Donors Throughout Asia ,Overnments Have Enacted Ambiguous Policies Governing Philanthropy ,Corporate Social Responsibility Csr ,Nd The Social Sector In General ,Which ,Wet Times ,Eem To Work Against Each Other The Incoherence Around Fluctuating Regulations Often Leads Mixed Messages From Government This Dilutes Incentivizing Potential Of Their Fiscal Policies Encourage Systemic Philanthropic Giving ,Ltimately Translating Intoa Lack Of Support For The Social Sector Funding To Characterized By Shortfalls Almost Half 47 Delivery Organizations Sdos In Asia Have Reporteda Decline ,Ith 75 Of Those Reportinga Decrease Up To 50a Number Factors Have Contributed This Shortfall Including Diminished Foreign Funding Asa Result Regional Affluence ,Ompanies And Donors Redirecting Their Funding To Other Areas Or Opting Engage In Humanitarian Work Themselves The Wake Of Pandemic ,Nd The Zero Sum Nature Of Covid 19 Support At Same Time ,Ight Of The 17 Governments In Asia Have Enacted Policies That Make It More Difficult For Foreign Funds To Enter Country Few Economies Been Successful Leveraging Domestic And Government Funding Close Gap Synergies Among Sectors Imperative Fora Vibrant Social Sector Ecosystem Despite Unrivalled Challenges Structural Impediments ,Sia 39s Social Sector Has Demonstrated Its Capacity Asa Trusted Partner For Sustainable Development ,Orking With Governments ,Nd Philanthropists To Build Back Better However ,S The Covid 19 Crisis Abates ,T Will Be Critical To Harness The Strengths Of All Parts Society Government ,Rivate And Social Sectors ,Nd Individuals And Maximize Collaboration To Drive Long Lasting Change In The Direction Of Inclusive Sustainable Development Addressing Region 39s Unmet Social Needs Will Requirea Coordinated Quot All Hands On Deck Approach That Includes Not Only Funding But Also Talent ,Nowledge Anda Shared Commitment Towards The Most Vulnerable In Our Communities Dr Ruth Shapiro ,Ounder And Chief Executive Of Caps ,Commented ,Uot The Remarkable Resilience Of Social Sector Amidst Current Crisis Isa Beacon Hope ,Nut All The Same ,Undraising To The Sector Has Never Been More Challenging Foreign Funding In Asia Progressively Declining Recent Years ,Articularly In Lower Middle Income Economies That Have Relied Heavily On Foreign Support For Decades It Will Be Critical Asia To Developa Clear And Consistent Set Of Policies Unlock Domestic Funding Allow Inclusive Sustainable Development Quot The Doing Good Index Has Established Itself As Most Comprehensive Social Impact ,Valuating Systems In Place To Meet The Most Pressing Issues Social Sector Index Draws On Surveys As Well Interviews With Experts And Strategic Partners Asia ,Including Academia ,Foundations ,Ongovernmental Organizations Ngos And Policy Think Tanks To Providea Granular View Into The State Of Social Sector In Region Caps Has Been Invited Brief Government Officials On Implementing Effective Policies Across ,Llustrating The Pioneering Nature Of Its Worka Total Of2 ,239 Sdos Were Surveyed And 126 Experts Interviewed As Part Of The Study Conducted Across 17 Asian Economies Bangladesh ,Korea ,Singapore ,Nd Vietnam Download The Doing Good Index 2022 Hereand Visit Interactive Microsite About Centre For Asian Philanthropy And Society Caps Was Established In 2013 Hong Kong As An Action Oriented Research Advisory Organization Committed To Maximizing Private Resources Going Toward Asia Accomplishes Its Mission By Understanding Fundamental Strengths Cultural Practices Well Researching Promoting Public Policies That Best Enable Giving Receiving Of Social Investment More Information On Services Is Available At Http Org Details Or Arrange Interviews ,Lease Contact Golin Stephanie Mazinyi Phone 852 2501 7901 Email Smazinyi Com Cherry Ma 7916 Cma Caps Annelotte Walsh 6925 0551 Org Source Centre For Asian Philanthropy And Society ,

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