Review: Once more unto the breach in 'Godzilla vs. Kong'
This image released by Warner Bros. Entertainment shows a scene from 'Godzilla vs. Kong.' (Warner Bros. Entertainment via AP)
Published April 01. 2021 12:19PM
By JAKE COYLE, Associated Press
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“Godzilla vs. Kong” begins, fittingly, with the big guy asleep.
There is King Kong, colossus of the big screen, slowing waking on a mountainside. He rouses slowly in the morning sun from slumber before showering in a nearby waterfall. It's, maybe, a little bit the same for the kind of movies King Kong symbolizes and still holds some dominion over: big spectacles of mass destruction made to be seen on equally towering screens. That kind of moviegoing has been been in hibernation for much of the past pandemic year. “Godzilla vs. Kong,” the only creature feature to dare wide release in some time, is a rock ‘em-sock 'em monster-movie revival with all the requisite explosions, inane plot twists and skyscraper smashing to satisfy most lovers of gigantic amphibians. Vive le cinéma!