I'm probably going to get beat up for this, but here goes.
First, I would be the first to say that Bo is revered way too much in a fashion most successful coaches are. He won a lot of football games. He wasn't anything other than that. I don't need recordings of his speeches or to read anything about his lasting lessons. He was a narrowly focused bully that took advantage of lenient scholarship limits through most of his career. Sounds like he was less of a hitter than Knight or Hayes so there's that.
That being said. I'm still not on board with the equivalence of a guy turning a blind eye on sodomizing children and some creepy doctor that does un-indicated rectal and genital exams. Maybe it's a function of my age and what was considered more standard medical practice at the time. It seems to me these types of exams on men are done way less in the primary care community now than they were. Worried about a prostate? Used to be you'd bet a finger wave. Now, your PCP will order a PSA. Leave the rectal to the urologist. Same if there's a possible genital mass--consult rather than exam. (PCPs seem to do less and less, but that's a gripe for another day.)