March 13, 2021 17:48 IST
The actor, who was recently seen in Hindi horror comedy ‘Roohi’, chats about his connection with films
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The actor, who was recently seen in Hindi horror comedy ‘Roohi’, chats about his connection with films
Alexx O’Nell is not a big fan of horror films. “
The Ring was terrifying and
The Blairwitch Project bothered me,” he says, “They stuck to my head so much that it disturbed me.”
That is the reason he loves the twist Indian cinema gives to the horror genre, by adding a dose of humour and making it a horror-comedy. “Isn’t it wonderful,” he says, over a phone call from Mumbai, “It is a lovely mixture because it opens up the frightening moments of the horror genre while diluting the terrifying plotlines, and opening it up to people like me who aren’t fans of the genre.”