NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — Hospitality businesses including dining establishments, the event industry, and the rest of New York City’s businesses are not only poised for a strong comeback, it’s already underway. With COVID-19 vaccinations in progress, a group of industry professionals are determined to light the way by empowering business owners and, as a result, instilling confidence in clientele. The Academy for Hospitality Arts (AHA) will be presenting on COVID-19 safety at a free virtual conference next week as a part of this mission.
“I’ve heard people say New York City is a ghost town right now. That could not be further from the truth,” says Michael DiPeri, President and Founder of AHA. “The restaurant, hospitality and event industries have taken the lead in getting businesses back to full operating status. We’ve done our homework. Now we’re welcoming our patrons back knowing we’ve dotted every i, crossed every t with regards to their safety and ours.”