Department of Developmental Services (DDS) May Revision Budget Proposal
The revised 2021‑22 DDS budget at May Revision includes $6.6 billion General Fund ($10.7 billion total funds), a 1.6 percent increase in General Fund spending from the budget proposed in January. This increase is driven in large part by a number of new policy proposals totaling approximately $80 million General Fund. Below, we provide comments on one of the key policy proposals.
Performance Incentives Program
The May Revision includes $4 million General Fund in 2021‑22 ($5.6 million total funds) to establish a performance incentives program at regional centers (RCs). Funding would increase to $61 million General Fund ($89.4 million total funds) in 2022‑23 and ongoing. The program’s ultimate goal is to improve the quality of RC services and consumer satisfaction. It seeks to achieve that goal by linking RC performance to incentive payments. Performance would be measured by a set of indicators and targets developed through a stakeholder process prior to program implementation. RCs’ annual performance contracts with DDS also would be updated accordingly. In the first year, funding would support planning of the program, including development of performance indicators and targets. In the second year, some of the funding would be provided to RCs to improve service coordinator caseload ratios, which are currently out of compliance (likely affecting service quality and consumer satisfaction). The remaining funds would support incentive payments that would be awarded to RCs based on their performance (as measure by the agreed upon indicators and targets).