That ‘Ġaħan Laburist’? He might be a whole lot smarter than Edward thinks…
As Zammit Lewis put it himself: it’s what the ‘Ġaħan Laburist’ wants, isn’t it? And, oh look: it’s also precisely what the ‘Ġaħan Laburist’ got, and keeps getting to this day
Raphael Vassallo
5 August 2021, 7:01am
And to be fair to Malta’s most iconic folk-hero: the same could probably be said for the original ‘Ġaħan’ character, too. Remember? The one we were all brought up reading about at school, in books like ‘Gabra Ta’ Ward’….
… in other words, the archetypal ‘village idiot’ of Maltese folklore: best remembered for having so literally interpreted his mother’s words - ‘Igbed il-bieb warajk!’ - that he… well, he did precisely as he was told (much to the amusement of the entire village, when he turned up at church with his front-door in tow…)