Texans were casualties in Republicans' war on green energy
When the government won't save us, we have to save ourselves.
Camilla Swindle, 19, sits in a shopping cart as she and her boyfriend wait in a long line to enter a grocery store in Austin, Texas on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021, as people stock up ahead of another expected storm.Tamir Kalifa / The New York Times/ Redux
Feb. 25, 2021, 5:31 PM UTC
You can expect the U.S. government to wage a war. That is what our government does best. Sometimes it feels like that is all it does.
It’s how the U.S. government has described its actions against viruses, poverty, drugs and an assortment of other inanimate nouns. War is so overused it feels like the only metaphor around. But how else to describe the invasion of alien elements and their unwelcome occupation of local territory?