Tenders To Be Called For Construction Of 30 Skill Development Colleges In AP
May 13, 2021, 14:42 IST
AMARAVATI: Arrangements for the construction of 30 Skill Development Colleges (SDCs) are in full swing, which is set to play a key role in providing quality human resources and industrial development in the State. With the identification and selection of sites already completed at 21 locations in 25 parliamentary constituencies, the Andhra Pradesh State Skills Development Corporation (APSSDC) is making arrangements to call for tenders soon.
Each SDC will be set up on at least 5 acres of land at a cost of Rs. 40 crore. It is estimated that Rs 1,200 crore would be required for the construction of 30 colleges initially. Tenders will be called for and construction work will start as soon as the administrative clearances are received from the Centre.