March 16, 2021
The Temasek Foundation will be providing more than 100,000 bottles of Vitamin D tablets to low-income families and seniors, as well as expectant mothers assessed to be suitable to take the supplements.
They announced the news in a media release on Thursday (March 11), as a part of their campaign to raise more awareness on the importance of Vitamin D.
Studies suggest many Singaporeans are deficient in Vitamin D.
'Sunshine Vitamin' supplements for vulnerable residents and pregnant mothers
The “convenient melt-on-tongue Vitamin D3 formulation" was developed by the nutrition and health arm of German multinational company BASF.
Ms Tina Low, Vice President, Global Business Management, BASF Human Nutrition noted, “We’ve formulated the Vitamin D tablets according to recommended intake levels, backed by scientific rationale, and with the objective of decreasing deficiency among Singaporeans.