Tech company boards are still overwhelmingly male, even more so in the UK then the US
Survey by recruitment firm MRL finds average female boardroom representation is less than 25 per cent in the UK
A report called
Resetting Tech Culture by Girls Who Code and Accenture, based on surveys among 2,700 college students, 500 senior human resource leaders and 1,990 tech workers aged 30 or below in 2019, revealed that the gap had actually widened over the previous 35 years.
In 1984, 35 per cent of tech workers were female, compared with just 32 per cent in 2019, and in specialisms such as engineering the skew is even larger, with female representation of only 16 per cent. There's a significant rate of attrition too: half the women who trained for a career in technology leave by the age of 35.